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1 Introduction and scope of these Ticket Terms and Conditions

1.1 Fifty One Degree Events presents Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show Ticket Terms and Conditions (these “Ticket Terms and Conditions”) which set out the general terms and conditions applicable to all Ticket Holders about the application, purchase, and use of Tickets for Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show.

These Ticket Terms and Conditions are divided into the following Parts:

1.2.1 PART A: INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS – which introduces general provisions applicable to all Parts of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.2.2 PART B: TERMS OF SALE – which sets out terms and conditions applicable to the purchase of Tickets from Fifty One Degree Events.

1.2.3 PART C: TERMS OF USE – which sets out terms and conditions relating to the use of Tickets and which apply to all Ticket Holders.

1.2.4 PART D: REFUND POLICY – which establishes the circumstances in which Ticket Purchasers may be entitled to a Ticket refund.

1.2.5 PART E: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION – which includes, a list of key capitalised terms used in these Ticket Terms and Conditions, together with their meanings, as well as rules for interpreting these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.3 By applying for, purchasing, accepting, possessing, dealing with, or otherwise using a Ticket, each Ticket Holder unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to be legally bound by and to comply with these Ticket Terms and Conditions at all times.



2 Other applicable terms

2.1 In addition to these Ticket Terms and Conditions the following terms and conditions shall apply to the application, purchase and use of Tickets and are deemed incorporated into these Ticket Terms and Conditions (the “Additional Terms”), each of which being described in further detail in Part E (Definitions and Interpretation):

2.1.1 Conditions of Entry;

2.1.2 Privacy Policy; and

2.1.3 Fifty One Degree Events Digital Platforms Terms of Use.

3 Unauthorised sales channels


4 Consequences of breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions

4.1 Any breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, the Conditions of Entry, any other Additional Terms, and/or any Applicable Laws shall entitle Fifty One Degree Events to cancel and invalidate the Ticket Holder’s Ticket and any other Tickets that have been purchased by the Ticket Holder without notice with no right to a refund.

4.2 Any cancellation of a Ticket in accordance with Clause 4.1 above shall result in the relevant Ticket Holder being deemed a trespasser and shall give Fifty One Degree Events the right to refuse admission to or remove the Ticket Holder from the Grounds.

4.3 Subject to Clause 4.4 below, any Ticket that is cancelled due to a breach of any part of these Ticket Terms and Conditions may result in the Ticket Holder and/or Ticket Purchaser being prohibited from purchasing or using Tickets for Temple at War and/or The Suffolk Military Show up to a period covering five (3) consecutive editions of Temple at War or The Suffolk Military Show.

4.4 In respect of repeat infringers or in exceptional circumstances based on the severity of the infringement as reasonably determined by Fifty One Degree Events at its sole discretion, the prohibition referred to in Clause 4.3 above may be extended or imposed indefinitely (i.e., a lifetime ban).

4.5 Full details of the Fifty One Degree Events policy on the prohibitions referred to in Clauses 4.3 and 4.4 above, including the applicable person’s right to appeal any such prohibition, are available upon request by contacting Fifty One Degree Events, under Clause 7.8 below.

5 Limitation of Liability; Indemnification

5.1 Other than as stated in Part D (Refund Policy) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, Fifty One Degree Events shall not be liable to any Ticket Holder for any refund, loss (including indirect or consequential loss), damage or expense caused by an Event of Force Majeure.

5.2 Subject to Clause 5.5 below, in the event that Fifty One Degree Events is in breach of its obligations (under these Ticket Terms and Conditions or as otherwise may be required by Applicable Laws), Fifty One Degree Events shall only be responsible for such loss or damage suffered by the Ticket Holder which was reasonably foreseeable as a result of the breach. Fifty One Degree Events shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that is not reasonably foreseeable or contemplated, at the time, the Ticket Holder entered a contract with Fifty One Degree Events pursuant to these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

5.3 Subject to Clause 5.5 below and notwithstanding Clause 5.2 above, Fifty One Degree Events shall not be liable for any business losses and Fifty One Degree Events will have no liability to any Ticket Holder for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

5.4 Subject to Clause 5.5 below, in any event, to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Laws, Fifty One Degree Events hereby excludes any liability for loss, damage or injury to a Ticket Holder and/or their property, including any indirect or consequential loss or damage, including loss of enjoyment or travel or accommodation costs, regardless of whether the loss or damage: (a) would arise in the ordinary course of events; (b) is reasonably foreseeable; or (c) is in the contemplation of the parties, or otherwise.

5.5 Notwithstanding any other provision in these Ticket Terms and Conditions, Fifty One Degree Events does not seek to exclude or limit its liability: (a) for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (b) for death or personal injury caused by Fifty One Degree Events negligence or the negligence of any of its officers, employees or agents; or (c) for any other matter for which it is not possible to exclude or limit liability under Applicable Laws (including the Ticket Holder’s statutory rights and rights as a consumer).

5.6 By applying for, purchasing, and/or using a Ticket, each Ticket Holder agrees to be fully liable for any acts or omissions resulting in a breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions either caused by themselves or by any other person using a Ticket purchased by or otherwise provided to the Ticket Holder. The Ticket Holder agrees to fully indemnify and hold harmless Fifty One Degree Events and each Fifty One Degree Affiliate for any loss or damage suffered by them resulting from such breach.

5.7 For the avoidance of any doubt, to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Laws, no Fifty One Degree Affiliate accepts any liability to a Ticket Holder in connection with these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

6 Right to take further action

6.1 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to take any further action against any Ticket Holder it considers reasonably appropriate as a result of any breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to the unauthorised sale or use of any Tickets. Such action may include commencing a civil claim for compensation against the Ticket Holder for damages suffered by Fifty One Degree Events resulting from such breach, reporting the Ticket Holder to the police, and/or seeking an injunction against the Ticket Holder prohibiting them from offering to purchase, purchasing, offering to sell, selling, transferring, or dealing in Tickets and/or attending future editions of Temple at War or The Suffolk Military Show.

  1. Oher Advanced Ticketing Phases

7.1 Capitalised but undefined terms used in these Ticket Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings given to them in Part E (Definitions and Interpretation).

7.2 Certain provisions of these Ticket Terms and Conditions and the Conditions of Entry may be restated in a condensed version on or adjacent to (including within the Official App) a Ticket. In the event of any ambiguity or inconsistency between the condensed version and the full version of the Ticket Terms and Conditions (as set out herein) or the Conditions of Entry, the full version shall always prevail.

7.3 These Ticket Terms and Conditions have been prepared in English and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version and any translated version, the English version shall always prevail in the event of any dispute or in the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the different versions.

7.4 These Ticket Terms and Conditions (together with the Additional Terms) constitute the entire agreement between the parties and no party shall have any claim or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, warranty or undertaking made by or on behalf of any other party in relation to these Ticket Terms and Conditions which is not already included herein.

7.5 Any person who is not a party to these Ticket Terms and Conditions shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 with the exception of any Fifty One Degree Events Affiliate which may enforce these Ticket Terms and Conditions as if it were a party.

7.6 Should any provisions of these Ticket Terms and Conditions be declared void, ineffective, illegal, or unenforceable by any competent court, regulator or authority, the remainder of these Ticket Terms and Conditions shall remain in effect as if such void, ineffective, illegal, or unenforceable provision(s) had not been included.

7.7 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to make reasonable changes to certain provisions of these Ticket Terms and Conditions at any time by providing an updated version of them on www.templeatwar.co.uk or www.suffolkmilitaryshow.co.uk if necessary to ensure the proper and safe staging of the events. Ticket Holders are advised to visit www.templeatwar.co.uk or www.suffolkmilitaryshow.co.uk periodically to review the latest version of the Ticket Terms and Conditions.

7.8 Any information requests about the ticketing sales process should be made by email to info@templeatwar.co.uk or info@suffolkmilitaryshow.co.uk. For urgent enquiries or for further assistance relating to accessibility, please call 07907 594 307.   Should a Ticket Holder have any issues with their Tickets when in the vicinity of the Grounds of the event, they are asked to proceed to the nearest Ticket Resolution Point.

8 Governing law and jurisdiction

8.1 Subject to Clauses 8.2 and 8.3 below, these Ticket Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales, and the parties agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising under or in connection with them.

8.2 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to pursue legal proceedings in a competent court of the Ticket Holder’s domicile for the purposes of protecting its intellectual property rights, where such proceedings shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

8.3 These Ticket Terms and Conditions shall not affect a Ticket Holder’s statutory rights as a consumer. In particular:

8.3.1 if the Ticket Holder is domiciled in Scotland, they may bring legal proceedings in Scotland; and

8.3.2 if the Ticket Holder is domiciled in Northern Ireland, they may bring legal proceedings in Northern Ireland.


1 Purpose and applicability of these Terms of Sale

1.1 This Part B of these Ticket Terms and Conditions (the “Terms of Sale”) governs the sale of Tickets directly by Fifty One Degree Events, including Advanced Sales Phases made available by Fifty One Degree Events prior to the applicable event days and On-the-Day Ticket sales.

1.2 These Terms of Sale do not apply to Tickets sold as part of a hospitality package by Fifty One Degree Events, nor do these Terms of Sale apply to Debenture Ticket sales, each of which are governed by separate terms and conditions of sale.

1.3 These Terms of Sale apply only to the application for and/or purchase of Tickets from Fifty One Degree Events. The terms and conditions applicable to the use of all Tickets (including Tickets referred to in Clause 1.2 above) is governed by Part C (Terms of Use) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions. The terms and conditions applicable to entry to and attendance within the Grounds on an Event Day is governed by the Conditions of Entry.

1.4 All Tickets sold in accordance with these Terms of Sale are sold in the name of Fifty One Degree Events.

1.5 By submitting a Ticket Application, each Ticket Applicant acknowledges that they have read and understood the Ticket Terms and Conditions (including these Terms of Sale) and unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to be legally bound by and comply with the same.

1.6 Any failure by a Ticket Applicant to comply with the requirements of these Terms of Sale constitutes a breach of the Ticket Terms and Conditions and may result in a Ticket Application being rejected and/or any Tickets purchased by the Ticket Applicant being cancelled without notice.

2 Applying for Tickets generally

2.1 Fifty One Degree Events may make Tickets available for purchase throughout different Sales Phases described in these Terms of Sale, namely Advanced Sales Phases, and On-the Day Ticket sales at the Queue. By applying to purchase Tickets from Fifty One Degree Events via any of these Sales Phases, a Ticket Applicant is required to make a Ticket Application as further described in these Terms of Sale.

2.2 Except in the case of On-the-Day Tickets issued as paper Tickets, in order to submit a Ticket Application, each Ticket Applicant is required to be registered with their own Fifty One Degree account and to provide all information reasonably required by Fifty One Degree Events, including a valid personal email address, their surname, first name, postal address and phone number, in order for Fifty One Degree Events to facilitate the Ticket Application and verify the Ticket Applicant’s identity.

2.3 The use of a private relay or other similar email masking service in connection with setting up and/or using a Fifty One Degree Events account for the purposes of submitting a Ticket Application is prohibited. This is to enable Fifty One Degree Events to verify that Ticket Applicants are not attempting to submit multiple Ticket Applications in breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

2.4 At the time of submitting a Ticket Application, a Ticket Applicant must be at least sixteen (16) years of age and must otherwise have full capacity to enter a legally binding contract.

2.5 A Ticket Applicant may only apply for and purchase Tickets for their own use and for use by a bona fide privately invited Guest, being a family member, friend, or other person with whom the Ticket Applicant can demonstrate a pre-existing relationship and with whom the Ticket Applicant must attend the Grounds on the applicable Event Day/s in accordance with Part C (Terms of Use) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

2.6 Each Ticket Applicant warrants that all information provided by them as part of a Ticket Application (including any information relating to any intended Guest) is true, accurate and not misleading. If at any time Fifty One Degree Events reasonably considers that a Ticket Applicant has provided false, incomplete, or misleading information, Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to reject their Ticket Application and/or to cancel any Tickets purchased by the Ticket Applicant without notice and without right to a refund.

2.7 When submitting any Ticket Application, it is the sole responsibility of the Ticket Applicant to ensure that:

2.7.1 the Ticket Application has been completed correctly and accurately with all required personal details and payment information properly submitted to Fifty One Degree Events in accordance with the instructions specified by Fifty One Degree Events from time to time;

2.7.2 they have properly and unconditionally accepted these Ticket Terms and Conditions in the form required by Fifty One Degree Events depending on the Sales Phase in which the Ticket Application is submitted.

2.7.3 the Ticket Applicant fully understands how their personal information (including relating to their method of payment) will be processed by Fifty One Degree Events in accordance with the Privacy Policy;

2.7.4 the Ticket Applicant has informed any Guest included in their Ticket Application how the Guest’s personal information will be processed by Fifty One Degree Events in accordance with the Privacy Policy and obtained the Guest’s acceptance and acknowledgement in relation to the same; and

2.7.5 sufficient funds to cover the Purchase Price of the Ticket(s) and any credit card, debit card or other third party fees are available at the time of payment.

2.8 Whilst Fifty One Degree Events will attempt to ensure that all information relating to the availability of Tickets is accurate, technical errors may occur. If Fifty One Degree Events discovers that an error has occurred which has resulted in an incorrectly confirmed order for Tickets, Fifty One Degree Events will inform the Ticket Applicant as soon as reasonably possible and reserves the right to cancel the Ticket Applicant’s Ticket purchase. Where possible, Fifty One Degree Events will give the Ticket Applicant the option of reconfirming their Ticket Application with the correct details or cancelling their Ticket Application for a full refund. If Fifty One Degree Events is unable to contact the Ticket Applicant, the Ticket Applicant agrees that Fifty One Degree Events may treat the Ticket Application as cancelled and issue a full refund without any further liability.

3 Prohibited Ticket Applications and conduct

3.1 A person is strictly prohibited from applying for or purchasing any Tickets if at the time of application or purchase the person: (a) has acted in breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions; (b) has been refused entry to, been ejected from, or had accreditation withdrawn from the relevant edition of Event Days; (c) is currently the subject of a banning order issued by Fifty One Degree Events, and or (d) is prohibited by any court or public authority from visiting the Grounds.

3.2 The application and/or purchase of any Ticket(s) using any computer software which is designed to manipulate the likelihood of a Ticket Applicant being successful in the purchase of Tickets (such as bots, spiders, or other automated software), or which otherwise circumvents or attempts to circumvent any Ticket application and/or purchase restrictions or limits set out in these Ticket Terms and Conditions is strictly prohibited.

3.3 A Ticket Applicant is strictly prohibited at all times from:

3.3.1 applying or attempting to apply for Tickets using multiple Fifty One Degree Events accounts;

3.3.2 applying or attempting to apply for Tickets using multiple email addresses; or

3.3.3 sharing with or transferring to any other person, with or without charge, the account details of the Ticket Applicant’s Fifty One Degree Events account or personal email account through which a Ticket Application may be submitted and/or Tickets may be purchased.

3.4 A Ticket Applicant must indicate their permanent residential address in a Ticket Application. Ticket Applications indicating any other addresses (including hotels, offices or other business addresses, student accommodation, holiday homes or other temporary accommodation) are strictly prohibited.

3.5 The same credit or debit card may not be used to purchase Tickets in multiple Ticket Applications (whether used by the Ticket Applicant or by any other person) submitted in any Advanced Sales Phase.

3.6 Except in exceptional circumstances (as reasonably determined by Fifty One Degree Events), a Ticket Applicant is not permitted to change their name, residential address, or email address once a Ticket Application has been submitted.

3.7 If at any time Fifty One Degree Events reasonably believes that any of the prohibited actions set out in this Clause 3 has occurred, Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to reject all Ticket Applications (whether validly submitted or otherwise) of the Ticket Applicant and/or to cancel all Tickets purchased by the Ticket Applicant without notice and without right to a refund.

4 Individual and Household limits

4.1 Fifty One Degree Events sets limits on the number of Tickets that individuals may purchase for the purpose of ensuring that as many Ticket Applicants as possible can attend The Events and to limit the impact of unauthorised and/or illegal ticketing activities. Each Ticket Applicant is responsible for adhering with the following individual and Household Ticket application and purchase limits:

4.1.1 Irrespective of the category of Ticket, a Ticket Applicant is only permitted to purchase up to forty (40) Tickets in any given Advanced Sales Phase;

4.1.2 A Ticket Applicant is prohibited from submitting any more than one (1) Ticket Application during any given Advanced Sales Phase;

4.1.3 Only one (1) Ticket Application per Household, being the permanent residential address of a Ticket Applicant, is permitted during any given Advanced Sales Phase;

4.2 An individual cannot be the named Ticket Holder (whether as Ticket Applicant or Guest) of more than one (1) Ticket on any given Event Day. Any Ticket Applications which name the same individual (either as Ticket Applicant or Guest) across multiple Ticket Applications for the same Event Day will be automatically deemed void.

4.3 For the avoidance of any doubt, any non-compliance with the Ticket application and purchase limits will be deemed a breach of these Terms of Sale.

5 Accessibility Tickets

5.1 In order to ensure a fair application process Ticket Applicants applying for an Accessibility Ticket will be required to provide information and/or documentation as and when reasonably required by Fifty One Degree Events for Fifty One Degree Events to be able to verify the eligibility of the intended recipient of the Accessibility Ticket.

5.2 If the Ticket Applicant is unable or unwilling to provide such information and/or documentation, or if at any time Fifty One Degree Events reasonably believes a Ticket Applicant to have misrepresented the eligibility of an intended recipient of an Accessibility Ticket, Fifty One Degree vents reserve the right to reject the Ticket Application or to cancel the Accessibility Ticket and any other Ticket included in the same Ticket Application without notice.

5.3 Certain categories of Accessibility Ticket may entitle the Ticket Applicant to request a Carer Companion Ticket in addition to the Accessibility Ticket as determined by Fifty One Degree Events at its reasonable discretion. For the avoidance of any doubt:

5.3.1 a Carer Companion Ticket counts towards the application and purchase limits described in Clause 4 above; and

5.3.2 any user of a Carer Companion Ticket will be deemed a Carer Companion under these Ticket Terms and Conditions.


6 Fifty One Degree Events – Guest Tickets

6.1 Fifty One Degree Events may, at its sole discretion, operate a guest ticketing system in which Ticket Applicants are invited to apply for Tickets that are subsequently allocated to successful Ticket Applicants via a selection draw. The procedures and outcome are entirely at the discretion of Fifty One Degree Events whose decision in all matters relating to guest ticketing is final. Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to cancel guest ticketing at any time and for any reason it deems reasonably necessary (including if, due to any Event of Force Majeure or that there are not sufficient Tickets available to justify holding guest ticketing).

6.2 The submission of a guest Ticket Application requires a Ticket Applicant to have a Fifty One Degree Event Ticketing account.

6.3 Each Ticket Applicant acknowledges and accepts that by submitting a guest Ticket Application:

6.3.1 the guest Ticket Applicant is placed in a selection draw for Tickets only and is not automatically entitled to be allocated any number of Tickets;

6.3.2 the Ticket Applicant cannot request Tickets for any specific Event Day.

7 Other Advanced Sales Phases

7.1 Fifty One Degree Events may make other Advanced Sales Phases available at its discretion, the characteristics of which may differ, including in accordance with the following:

7.1.1 Ticket Applicant qualifying criteria, such as unsuccessful guest Ticket Applicants only.

7.1.2 Ticket allocation procedures (e.g., first come first served); and/or

7.1.3 accepted payment method.

7.2 The details of any such Sales Phase will be communicated by Fifty One Degree Events and will otherwise be in accordance with these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

8 On-the-Day Ticket sales

8.1 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to keep any number of On-the-Day Tickets available for purchase on the relevant Event Day via the Queue.

8.2 Attendance and conduct within the Queue may be subject to separate terms and conditions, non-compliance with which may result in a Ticket Applicant being escorted from the Queue and/or refused the opportunity to purchase a Ticket.

8.3 In accordance with Clause 10 below, Fifty One Degree Events will only issue an On-the-Day Ticket to a Ticket Applicant following full and timely payment of the Ticket.

9 Ticket prices

9.1 Fifty One Degree Events establishes the prices of all Tickets at its sole discretion.

9.2 All Ticket prices are stated in British pounds sterling (GBP) only and are inclusive of VAT.

9.3 Ticket prices do not include transaction fees or charges which may be imposed by a third party such as the issuer of a Ticket Applicant’s credit or debit card. Any such third party fees shall be solely borne by the Ticket Applicant.

9.4 For international payments, the actual price paid for a Ticket may vary depending on the date of purchase as a result of prevailing currency exchange rates imposed by a third party from time to time, such as the issuer of a Ticket Applicant’s credit or debit card.

9.6 Fifty One Degree Events accept no responsibility or liability to the Ticket Applicant for any additional or unexpected costs incurred as a result of currency exchange rates and/or fees or charges imposed by third parties.

10 Paying for Tickets

10.1 A Ticket Applicant must pay for all Ticket(s) included in their Ticket Application either:

10.1.1 at the same time as they submit their Ticket Application, in relation to any Sales Phases other than guest ticketing including On-the-Day Tickets.

10.2 The Ticket Applicant understands and agrees that their Ticket Application will be rejected and the Ticket(s) temporarily allocated to the Ticket Applicant will be released in the event that the Ticket Applicant fails to make full and timely payment of all Tickets included in the Ticket Application.

10.3 A Ticket Applicant may pay for Tickets using an American Express credit card or any other credit or debit payment card accepted by Fifty One Degree Events or make payment via PayPal.  Pre-sale tickets cannot be purchased by any other method (such as cash, cheques, or bank transfer).

10.4 The payment card used to purchase any Ticket must be registered in the name of the Ticket Applicant. If Fifty One Degree Events determines at any time that a payment card is registered in any name other than the Ticket Applicant, Fifty One Degree Events may reject the Ticket Application and/or cancel the Ticket(s) without notice.

11 Purchase Notification

11.1 Following the successful payment of the Ticket(s) in a Ticket Application, Fifty One Degree Events will issue to the Ticket Applicant a Purchase Notification, which concludes and confirms the contract for sale of the Ticket(s) between Fifty One Degree Events and the Ticket Applicant. No other confirmations, whether written or oral, shall be deemed or construed as confirming a contract for sale of any Tickets under these Terms of Sale.

11.2 The Ticket Applicant is requested to review the Purchase Notification for any errors or inaccuracies. The Ticket Applicant must report any errors or inaccuracies immediately and without any undue delay to Fifty One Degree Events by contacting Fifty One Degree Events via their Fifty One Degree Event account or in accordance with Clause 7.8 of Part A (Introduction and General Provisions) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

11.3 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to makes corrections to any errors or inaccuracies contained in a Purchase Notification at its reasonable discretion.

12 Cancellation of Tickets

12.1 All Ticket sales are final. Other than by requesting a refund in accordance with Part D (Refund Policy) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, a Ticket Applicant cannot cancel a purchase or return or exchange any Ticket after Fifty One Degree Events has successfully processed payment for the Ticket.

12.2 In addition to any right of Fifty One Degree Events to cancel a Ticket in accordance with these Terms of Sale, Fifty One Degree Events may cancel any number of Tickets for any of the reasons set out in Part C (Terms of Use) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions. In certain circumstances, this may entitle the Ticket Applicant to a Ticket refund from Fifty One Degree Events in accordance with Part D (Refund Policy) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

13 No resale

13.1 In accordance with Part C (Terms of Use) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, other than assigning a Ticket to a Guest in accordance with Clause 14 below, the Ticket Applicant is strictly prohibited from reselling, attempting to resell, advertising for sale or otherwise transferring any Tickets.

13.2 If a Ticket Applicant cannot or no longer wishes to use the Ticket(s) listed in a Purchase Notification, they may be eligible to request a refund of the Ticket(s) from Fifty One Degree Events in accordance with Part D (Refund Policy) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

14 Assigning a Ticket to a Guest

14.1 A Ticket Applicant is only permitted to assign a Ticket to a Guest either free of charge or up to an amount no greater than the Purchase Price of the Ticket. The Ticket Applicant must retain at least one (1) Ticket from a Ticket Application for their own personal use and must accompany the Guest to and within the Grounds on the applicable Event Day/s.

14.2 If a Ticket is assigned to a Guest, the Ticket Applicant will be required to provide to Fifty One Degree Events an email address belonging to the Guest, following which the Guest will receive an email notifying them that the Ticket Applicant has assigned them a Ticket. The Ticket Applicant is responsible for obtaining the Guest’s prior acceptance and acknowledgement that such personal information relating to the Guest shall be provided to Fifty One Degree Events for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy.

14.3 Prior to assigning a Ticket to a Guest, the Ticket Applicant undertakes to ensure that the Guest reads, understands and agrees to be bound by these Ticket Terms and Conditions. If the Guest is under the age of eighteen (18) years of age, the Ticket Applicant shall ensure that they have obtained proper consent to these Ticket Terms and Conditions from the Guest’s parent or legal guardian in accordance with Applicable Laws.

14.4 The Ticket Applicant will remain at all times responsible for the Guest’s compliance with these Ticket Terms and Conditions (in particular, Part C (Terms of Use)). If at any time Fifty One Degree Events determines that the Guest has breached any provision of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, Fifty One Degree Events reserves to the right to cancel the Ticket assigned to the Guest, as well as any other Ticket purchased by the Ticket Applicant, without notice and without a right to a refund.

14.5 For the avoidance of any doubt, assigning or attempting to assign a Ticket to any person other than a bona fide privately invited Guest constitutes a breach of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

15 Delivery or collection of Tickets

15.1 Subject to Clause 15.8 below, Tickets may be issued as either E-Tickets or paper Tickets in such form and at such time as determined by Fifty One Degree Events at its sole discretion. The Ticket Applicant is responsible for periodically checking their Fifty One Degree Events account and the email account registered with their account for updates relating to the form and email delivery date of the Ticket(s).

15.2 Only Tickets issued in the form determined by Fifty One Degree Events will grant authorised entry to the Grounds. No screenshots, print-outs or other digital or physical communications from Fifty One Degree Events or any third party (including the Purchase Notification) constitute a valid substitute for a Ticket.

15.3 The majority of Tickets for the event will be issued as E-Tickets. Part C (Terms of Use) of the Ticket Terms and Conditions provides further information regarding the use of E-Tickets.

15.4 Notwithstanding Clause 15.3 above, as part of a general effort to maximise safety and security at The Event and to prevent the unauthorised resale of Tickets, Fifty One Degree Events may decide (at its reasonable discretion) that the delivery of certain Tickets be withheld or withdrawn until such time as the Ticket Applicant and their Guest (as applicable) are able to collect their Ticket(s) in person from a Ticket Resolution Point located at the Grounds.

15.5 The Ticket Applicant will be informed by Fifty One Degree Events by email as soon as reasonably practicable if they (and their Guest, as applicable) will be required to collect their Ticket from a Ticket Resolution Point. In such case, any corresponding mobile Ticket already issued to the Ticket Applicant prior to receiving such email will be deemed void and will not grant authorised access to the Event.

15.6 The Ticket Applicant and their Guest (as applicable) will each be required to present at the Ticket Resolution Point suitable proof of identity documentation (such as an original passport or driving licence) evidencing their entitlement to collect the Ticket.

15.7 The Ticket Applicant shall be solely responsible for ensuring that their Guest is made aware of the provisions of this Clause 15.

15.8 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to establish any other Ticket delivery methods and procedures at its sole discretion where reasonably necessary to do so, to ensure the efficient and secure delivery of Tickets and/or to maintain the integrity of The Event


1 Purpose and applicability of these Terms of Use

1.1 Part C of these Ticket Terms and Conditions (the “Terms of Use”) governs the use of all Tickets and applies to all Ticket Holders. The purchase of Tickets is governed either by Part B (Terms of Sale) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions or by other applicable terms and conditions of sale depending on the category of the Ticket.

1.2 By purchasing, accepting, or using a Ticket, each Ticket Holder unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to be legally bound by and comply with these Terms of Use at all times. Ticket Purchasers are required to ensure that any Guest for whom they purchase or provide a Ticket agrees to, and complies at all times with, these Terms of Use. Any failure to comply with these Terms of Use constitutes a breach of the Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.3 Subject to Clause 1.4 below, a Ticket may only be used by an authorised Ticket Holder, being a person who purchases or otherwise receives a Ticket directly from Fifty One Degree Events, an Authorised Agent or any other third party expressly authorised by Fifty One Degree Events to sell and/or distribute Tickets, as well as any bona fide Guest of that person. Any Tickets purchased or obtained from any other sources are not valid and do not grant authorised access to the Event.

1.4 A Ticket may not be used by any person who: (a) has acted in breach of these Terms of Use; (b) has been refused entry to, been ejected from, or had accreditation withdrawn from the current edition of The Event; is currently the subject of a banning order issued by Fifty One Degree Event, and/or (d) is prohibited by any court or public authority from visiting the Grounds. Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to cancel without notice any Ticket which is in the possession of or being used by any such person.

1.5 Any personal information relating to a Ticket Holder (including personal information provided to Fifty One Degree Events by a Ticket Purchaser in accordance with Part B (Terms of Sale) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions) is processed in accordance with Fifty One Degree Events Privacy Policy.

2 Nature and use of Tickets

2.1 Subject at all times to compliance with these Terms of Use and the Conditions of Entry, a Ticket grants a Ticket Holder a personal, revocable licence to enter the Grounds on the date and within the hours specified by Fifty One Degree Events.

2.2 Each Ticket remains at all times the property of Fifty One Degree Events.

2.3 Every person aged five (5) years of age and over requires their own Ticket to enter the Event. The Conditions of Entry provide further information in relation to minors attending the Event.

2.4 Any individual in possession of a Ticket is responsible for ensuring that the Ticket is valid and has been obtained from an authorised source. Fifty One Degree Events, or any third party authorised by Fifty One Degree Events, reserves the right to require any individual attempting to use a Ticket to enter the Event to verify to the reasonable satisfaction of Fifty One Degree Events how they have obtained their Ticket. If the individual is unable to do so, the Ticket may be cancelled without notice and the individual refused entry to, or immediately removed from, the Event.

2.5 Ticket Holders are responsible for all costs and expenses related to attending Temple at War or The Suffolk Military Show, including travel and accommodation. Ticket Holders attending either/both Event from a country other than the United Kingdom are also responsible for complying with all travel and entry requirements in force, including obtaining a valid visa and/or other travel authorisation(s) to enter the United Kingdom. Fifty One Degree Events accepts no liability if a Ticket Holder is unable to use a Ticket due to their failure to adhere to this Clause 2.5.

2.6 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to determine the form and distribution method of each Ticket at its sole discretion (for example, mobile Tickets, paper Tickets, etc.). If a Ticket is issued as an e-Ticket, in order to view the Ticket, the Ticket Holder will be required to register for a Fifty One Degree Event account with a valid personal email address (which is not a private relay or similar masked email address) and to provide personal information reasonably required by Fifty One Degree Events, including their first name, surname, residential address and phone number. Such personal information is required for purposes including the facilitation of Ticket assignments, identification, security and enforcement of the Ticket Terms and Conditions.

2.7 In order to use an E-Ticket to enter the Event, the Ticket Holder will also be required to download the Official App on a compatible personal mobile device. Use of the Official App will be subject to the Ticket Holder accepting separate terms of use applicable to the Official App.

2.8 If the Ticket Holder has any issues with the retrieval of a Ticket through the Official App, the Ticket Holder must immediately notify Fifty One Degree Events and by no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the applicable Event Day.

3 Accessibility Tickets

3.1 Accessibility Ticket Holders are issued Accessibility Tickets on the basis that they meet Fifty One Degree Events eligibility criteria.  An Accessibility Ticket Holder may also be issued with a Companion/Carer Ticket. Holders of a Companion/Carer Ticket are required to accompany the Accessibility Ticket Holders at all reasonable times whilst within the Grounds.

3.2 In order to enter the Event, in addition to their Accessibility Ticket each Accessibility Ticket Holder (or their companion/carer) is requested to carry with them documentation evidencing their eligibility. If at any time Fifty One Degree Events has reasonable grounds to believe that an Accessibility Ticket Holder does not meet or no longer meets Fifty One Degree Events eligibility criteria, including as a result of a misrepresentation by or on behalf of the Accessibility Ticket Holder, Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to cancel the Accessibility Ticket and any associated Companion/Carer Ticket without notice and without right to a refund.

4 Presentation and safeguarding of Tickets

4.1 A Ticket Holder must be able to present a valid Ticket to enter the Event and each time they enter the Event having left for any reason. Any Ticket Holder presenting a defective, damaged, or modified Ticket may be refused entry.

4.2 Each Ticket Holder shall be responsible for safeguarding their Ticket at all times. Fifty One Degree Events is under no obligation to replace or reissue any lost, stolen, damaged or corrupted Ticket unless such loss or damage can be attributed to the negligence of Fifty One Degree Events.

4.3 If the Ticket Holder has been issued an E-Ticket, it is the responsibility of the Ticket Holder to ensure that their Ticket is displayed correctly on their mobile device via the Official App. Print-outs, screenshots, or other attempts to display a mobile Ticket other than via the Official App will not be accepted and will not grant valid entry to the Event.

4.4 Each Ticket Holder acknowledges that any attempt to duplicate or modify a Ticket may result in the Ticket Holder being refused entry to the Grounds, the Ticket being cancelled without notice and/or the Ticket Holder being reported to the police.

  1. Fifty One Degree Events exclusive rights in Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show.

5.1 Fifty One Degree Events with any Fifty One Degree Events Affiliates exclusively owns and controls all commercial and intellectual property rights in Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show, including all copyright, trademarks, trade names, trade dress, symbols, logos, and goodwill related to Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show. Each Ticket Holder acknowledges that they are strictly prohibited from using or exploiting any commercial or intellectual property rights belonging to Fifty One Degree Events (or any Fifty One Degree Events Affiliate) without the express prior written consent of Fifty One Degree Events.

5.2 Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, each Ticket Holder acknowledges and agrees that, unless expressly authorised by Fifty One Degree Events they shall not:

5.2.1 run any advertisements or promotions relating to Fifty One Degree Events or Temple at War or The Suffolk Military Show;

5.2.2 advertise, promote, give away, distribute, sell, or offer for sale any product or service from any part of the Event or via the display of overt commercial, promotional, or marketing messages on clothing worn or items brought into the Event; or

5.2.3 conduct, or assist any other person in conducting, any form of live or as live dissemination of audio, visual, or audiovisual material, content, data, or statistics.

5.3 The Conditions of Entry provide further terms and conditions applicable to the commercial and intellectual property rights of Fifty One Degree Events (and any Fifty One Degree Events Affiliates), including materials and actions prohibited within the Event.

  1. Ticket transfer restrictions

6.1 Only a Ticker Purchaser is permitted to assign or provide a Ticket to a bona fide Guest (being a family member, friend, or other person with whom the Ticket Purchaser can demonstrate a pre-existing relationship) subject always to Part B (Terms of Sale) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions or other applicable terms of sale. If a Guest is unable to use a Ticket, they must return the Ticket to the Ticket Purchaser.

6.2 In all other circumstances, unless expressly authorised by Fifty One Degree Events in writing, Tickets Holders are strictly prohibited from advertising, selling, offering for sale, offering at auction, promoting, or offering as a prize in any contest, competition, game of chance, lottery, or sweepstake, donating or otherwise transferring any Tickets either in isolation or combined with any package (for example, travel or hospitality packages), whether for commercial purposes or otherwise.

6.3 Ticket Holders are also strictly prohibited from selling, attempting to sell, or otherwise transferring Tickets by providing to any person the login details of any Fifty One Degree Event account through which a Ticket can be accessed or by providing to any person any mobile or other device on which a Ticket is stored or displayed.

6.4 Any Ticket which is acquired or used in breach of this Clause 8 shall be automatically deemed void and will not grant authorised access to the Event.

  1. Event postponement and cancellation

7.1 Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show are organised and staged in accordance with Applicable Laws and Government guidance in force from time to time. Fifty One Degree Events makes no guarantee that any play will take place at any time or on any Temple at War or The Suffolk Military Show, that Ticket Holders will be permitted to enter the Event in any numbers, or that capacities will not be further reduced after Tickets have been sold.

7.2 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to postpone or reschedule any match, to reduce the capacity of attendees permitted inside the Ground of the Event, or to cancel any Event Days or edition of Temple at War or and the Suffolk Military Show at any time due to an Event of Force Majeure or due to any operational reasons that it reasonably considers necessary.

7.3 If in accordance with Clause 7.2 above any Temple at War and or Suffolk Military Show is postponed or cancelled, or if Fifty One Degree Events reduces capacity of attendees inside the Grounds of the Event, Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to cancel any Ticket without notice. In such cases, the Ticket Purchaser may be entitled to a full or partial Ticket refund in accordance with Part D (Refund Policy) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

  1. Cancellation of Tickets due to breach

8.1 In the event of any breach by a Ticket Holder of these Terms of Use or the Conditions of Entry, Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right to cancel the Ticket, as well as any other Ticket(s) applied for, purchased, or held by the Ticket Holder, without notice and without any right to a refund.

8.2 A Ticket Holder’s Ticket may also be cancelled by Fifty One Degree Events without notice if the Ticket Purchaser is deemed to be in breach of any part of these Ticket Terms and Conditions or the Conditions of Entry.

  1. Consequences of Ticket cancellation

9.1 If a Ticket is cancelled for any reason, the licence to enter the Grounds of the Event described in Clause 2.1 above is immediately and automatically revoked.



1 Ticket refunds generally

1.1 This Refund Policy sets out the circumstances in which Fifty One Degree Events may issue a Ticket refund. Only Ticket Purchasers are eligible for refunds under this Refund Policy. Under no circumstances will any Ticket Holder not being a Ticket Purchaser (including Guests of a Ticket Purchaser) be entitled to a refund or any other form of compensation from Fifty One Degree Events.

1.2 This Refund Policy applies to Ticket Purchasers who have validly purchased Tickets from Fifty One Degree Events in accordance with Part B (Terms of Sale) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions or otherwise from a Fifty One Degree Events Affiliate (as applicable). Where a Ticket Purchaser has validly purchased a Ticket from an Authorised Agent, the Ticket Purchaser shall be required to contact the Authorised Agent to request a refund. The terms and conditions relating to refunds granted by an Authorised Agent may differ to this Refund Policy.

1.3 Fifty One Degree Events reserves the right not to issue any refund or any other form of compensation where a Ticket Purchaser or other applicable Ticket Holder has breached these Ticket Terms and Conditions, including where a Ticket has been cancelled or deemed void due to a breach of any part of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.4 The amount of any refund shall be based on the Purchase Price of the Ticket. Under no circumstances shall Fifty One Degree Events be required to refund any amount in excess of the amount received by Fifty One Degree Events from the Ticket Purchaser when they purchased the Ticket.

1.5 Fifty One Degree Events accepts no liability to the Ticket Purchaser for any other costs or expenses incurred in connection with purchasing a Ticket and/or attending Temple at War and or The Suffolk Military Show, including any travel, accommodation, or hospitality costs.

1.6 The reasons for Fifty One Degree Events not issuing refunds in other circumstances or at other times not set out in this Refund Policy include, but may not be limited to, the administrative costs of investigating breaches of these Ticket Terms and Conditions, the administrative costs of cancelling and reissuing Tickets, and the loss of opportunity associated with not being able resell a cancelled Tickets

2 Requesting a Ticket refund

2.1 In the event that following receipt of a Purchase Notification, a Ticket Purchaser no longer wishes or is unable to use the Ticket(s), the Ticket Purchaser may submit to Fifty One Degree Events a request for a refund at any time prior to 10.00am on the day immediately preceding the Event Day to which the Ticket(s) apply/applies. Provided that the Ticket Purchaser has at all times complied with these Ticket Terms and Conditions (and otherwise subject to the provisions of these Ticket Terms and Conditions), Fifty One Degree Events shall issue a refund of the Purchase Price of the Ticket(s).

2.2 The Ticket Purchaser may only request a refund for all Tickets included in a Purchase Notification.

2.3 In order to request a refund, the Ticket Purchaser must follow the instructions for submitting a refund request provided by Fifty One Degree Events. A refund request will only be considered submitted once the Ticket Purchaser has received an email confirmation from Fifty One Degree Events, at which time the Ticket(s) shall be deemed cancelled.

3 Cancellation or curtailment of an Event

3.1 In the event that Fifty One Degree Events cancels play prior to the gates of the Event opening on the applicable Event Day for any reason set out in the Terms of Use, the Ticket Purchaser’s Ticket shall be cancelled and the Ticket Purchaser shall be automatically entitled to a refund of the Purchase Price of the Ticket.

3.2 In the event that there is a curtailment or cancellation of play following the gates of the Grounds to the Event having opened on the applicable Event Day to which a Ticket applies, the following shall automatically apply to Tickets (other than Resale Tickets).

3.2.1 If there is less than one (1) hour remaining on an Event Day for which the Ticket has been purchased prior to the Event, the Ticket Purchaser shall be entitled to a refund of the Purchase Price of the Ticket.

3.2.2 If there is more than one (1) hour remaining but less than two (2) hours’ play on an Event Day for which the Ticket has been purchased prior to the Event, the Ticket Purchaser shall be entitled to a refund equal to fifty percent (50%) of the Purchase Price of the Ticket.

3.2.3 The amount remaining of the Event shall be solely determined based on the official published times.  Fifty One Degree Events assessment and decision of the remaining time available is final.

4 Processing Ticket refunds

4.1 If a Ticket Purchaser is entitled to a refund from Fifty One Degree Events in accordance with this Refund Policy, Fifty One Degree Events shall process the refund of the prescribed amount within a reasonable period following the scheduled conclusion of Temple at War and or The Suffolk Military Shows.

4.2 Fifty One Degree Events shall only process refunds to the same payment card used by the Ticket Purchaser to purchase the Ticket. Under no circumstances will Fifty One Degree Events process a refund to any other payment card.

4.3 All refunds will be processed in British pounds sterling.  Fifty One Degree Events shall not be liable for a refunded amount not being equal to the original price paid for the Ticket as a result of variations to currency exchange rates or due to any charges imposed by third parties.


1 Definitions

1.1 “Accessibility Ticket” means a dedicated category of Ticket issued to a disabled person or person with limited mobility.

1.2 “Accessibility Ticket Holder” means any holder of an Accessibility Ticket in accordance with these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.3 “Additional Terms” means the Conditions of Entry, Privacy Policy, and Digital Platforms Terms of Use.

1.4 “Advanced Sales Phase” means any Sales Phase during which Tickets are made available to purchase prior to the start of Temple at War and or The Suffolk Miliary Show.

1.5 “Fifty One Degree Events” means Fifty One Degree Events Based in Chelmsford Essex.

1.6 “Applicable Laws” means all laws, statutes, common law, regulations, ordinances, codes, rules, guidelines, orders, permits, tariffs, and approvals of any governmental authority that apply to a Ticket Holder or the subject matter of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.7 “Authorised Agent” means any third party who has been expressly authorised by Fifty One Degree Events to sell and/or distribute Tickets.

1.8 “Event Days” mean each scheduled day during which The Event is be held and open to the public.

1.9 “Companion/Carer Ticket” means a Ticket issued with an Accessibility Ticket at Fifty One Degree Events discretion.

1.10 “Conditions of Entry” means terms and conditions of entry to the Grounds of the Event issued by Fifty One Degree Events, the current version of which is accessible upon request.

1.11 “Digital Platforms Terms of Use” means Fifty One Degree Events terms and conditions of use of www.templeatwar.co.uk or www.suffolkmilitaryshow.co.uk  the Official App and any other digital platform or service made available by Fifty One Degree Events.

1.12 “Event of Force Majeure” means any circumstance not within Fifty One Degree Events  reasonable control including: (a) acts of God, abnormally inclement weather, flood, drought, lightning, storm, earthquake or other natural disaster; (b) epidemic, pandemic or infectious disease; (c) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, crowd disorder, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations; (d) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; (e) any law or any action taken by a government, public authority, court, competent national authority or governing body, including cancelling a public event, imposing capacity restrictions on a public event, imposing an export or import restriction, quota or prohibition, or failing to grant a necessary licence or consent; (f) collapse of buildings, subsidence, structural damage, fire, explosion or accident; (g) death of a member of the royal family; and (i) any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts.

1.13 “Grounds” means the entire premises where The Event is staged, and which requires a Ticket or other official right of access to enter.

1.14 “Guest” means a receipt of a Ticket from Ticket Purchaser who is either a family member, friend, or other person with whom the Ticket Purchaser can demonstrate a pre-existing relationship.

1.15 “Household” means a Ticket Applicant’s permanent residential address (which cannot be a hotel, office or other business address, student accommodation, holiday home or other temporary accommodation).

1.16 “www.templeatwar.co.uk and www.suffolkmilitaryshow.co.uk” mean the online platform owned and managed by Fifty One Degree Events which can be and permits users to create a profile, receive news and information about Temple at War and or The Suffolk Military Show and to apply for Tickets.

1.17 “Official App” means Fifty One Degree Events official mobile application of Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show.

1.18 “Official Hospitality Provider” means any hospitality provider officially appointed by Fifty One Degree Events from time to time.

1.19 “On-the-Day Ticket” means a Ticket purchased on same Event Day to which it grants access to the Event.

1.20 “Privacy Policy” means Fifty One Degree Events privacy policy, the current version of which being accessible at www.templeatwar.co.uk and www.suffolkmilitaryshow.co.uk

1.26 “Purchase Notification” means the formal written notification issued by Fifty One Degree Events confirming the purchase of the Ticket(s) by the Ticket Purchaser in accordance with Part B (Terms of Sale) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.21 “Purchase Price” means the price of the Ticket published by Fifty One Degree Events and paid by the Ticket Applicant in accordance with these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.22 “Queue” means the queue located at each main reception point at the Event which enables Ticket Applicants to purchase On-the-Day Tickets.

1.23 “Refund Policy” means the terms and conditions set out in Part D of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.24 “Sales Phase” means a specified period during which Fifty One Degree Events makes Tickets available to purchase, the characteristics of which may differ to other specified periods, and includes other Advanced Sales Phases and On-the-Day Ticket sales.

1.25 “Terms of Sale” means the terms and conditions set out in Part B of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.26 “Terms of Use” means the terms and conditions set out in Part C of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.27 Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show means the Fifty One Degree Events Temple at War and The Suffolk Military Show hosted and staged at published Grounds in May and July each year.

1.28 “Ticket” means any category of ticket issued by Fifty One Degree Events and in such form as determined by Fifty One Degree Events (e.g., E-ticket, paper ticket) which grants access to the Event for the day it is purchased to attend.

1.29 “Ticket Applicant” means any natural person who applies for a Ticket in accordance with Part B (Terms of Sale) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

1.30 “Ticket Application” means an application or request made a Ticket Applicant (either online or in person, as applicable) to purchase one or more Tickets in accordance with Part B (Terms of Sale) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions

1.31 “Ticket Holder” means any individual who applies for, purchases, accepts, possesses, deals with, or otherwise uses a Ticket.

1.32 “Ticket Purchaser” means any person who has validly purchased a Ticket either from Fifty One Degree Events in accordance with Part B (Terms of Sale) of these Ticket Terms and Conditions or from a Fifty One Degree Affiliate or Authorised Agent.

1.33 “Ticket Resolution Point” means any location in or around the Grounds operated by Fifty One Degree Events to address and attempt to resolve issues relating to Tickets.

2 Interpretation

2.1 Unless stated otherwise, references to Parts, Clauses and paragraphs are to the Parts, Clauses and paragraphs of these Ticket Terms and Conditions.

2.2 Any words following the terms ‘including,’ ‘includes,’ ‘in particular,’ ‘for example’ or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase, or term preceding those terms.

2.3 Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and words in the plural shall include the singular.

2.4 A reference to a statute or statutory provision shall include all subordinate legislation made from time to time under that statute or statutory provision.

2.5 Any obligation on a person not to do something includes an obligation not to allow that thing to be done.

2.6 Any reference to an English legal term for any action, remedy, method of judicial proceeding, legal document, legal status, court, official or any legal concept or thing shall, in respect of any jurisdiction other than England, be deemed to include a reference to that which most nearly approximates to the English legal term in that jurisdiction.